Custom 500 3-Snap Retro Shield
Note importanti
Custom 500 3-Snap Retro Shield Visor
The 3-snap Retro Shield is a straight full-face visor. Whichever tint you choose, each visor offers all the following features:
- NutraFog anti-fog, anti-scratch and UV protective coating
- Extremely durable press-studs
- This versatile visor is compatible with the Bell Custom 500 and other helmets with three-point snap fastening
- Material: polycarbonate
Dark Smoke
Amber Gradient: progressive orange/brown tint
Pink Gradient: progressive pink tint
Good to know:
The clear, yellow, mint and all gradient versions are ideal for poor weather conditions, while clear and yellow are also suitable for biking in the dark.
Dark smoke, silver-iridium and gold-iridium are only for bright, very sunny conditions.
Safety first! Never ride with a scratched or cloudy visor. At night, in particular, scratches and scrapes reflect street lighting and/or oncoming headlights, which causes dazzle. Rain can make this effect more pronounced. Never ride in the dark with a dark visor.
Established in California in 1954, BELL Helmets boast a virtually unrivalled history. Essentially, no other helmet shape, whether jet (open-face) or full-face, has been copied as often as the original BELL helmets of the 60s and 70s. So it's little wonder that this famous helmet has been the preferred choice of some equally famous names: Film star Steve McQueen, Salt Flats speed record legend Burt Munro and, of course, the man who suffered 433 bone fractures: Evel Knievel. They all wore the BELL logo on their helmets.
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