Elite Shirt V2
Art. No. 218894
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399,00 € 1
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Elite Shirt V2
Bowtex Elite - the name says it all! It is the best of the best in every respect! Extremely strong and yet super light and breathable. It is super breathable and leaves your skin feeling fresh. The stretchy and soft fabric feels like you're wearing premium sports underwear... an incredibly strong one!
The Elite Shirt weighs just 1,000 grams, so you don't have to worry about the weight of conventional gear: So there's nothing standing in the way of you deciding that you can't ride in full kit and still ride in your own style.
The Elite Shirt is designed to be worn next to the skin like a base layer. Choose your normal T-shirt size.
XS -> 35-36
S -> 37-38
M -> 39-40
L -> 41-42
XL -> 43-44
XXL -> 45-46
The Elite Shirt weighs just 1,000 grams, so you don't have to worry about the weight of conventional gear: So there's nothing standing in the way of you deciding that you can't ride in full kit and still ride in your own style.
- Thanks to the AAA certification class, you can wear the baselayer over or under any jumper or jacket, or simply wear it separately.
- Ultralight and invisible under clothing, so you can ride in your own style.
- All-round reinforced seams that exceed CE certification requirements by a factor of 2. Bowtex strongest seams ever
- The thermal conductivity of the Dyneema fibres makes it feel soft and fresh in direct contact with the skin.
- Thanks to an ingenious belt system, you can attach the textile jacket to your trousers.
- The asymmetric cut ensures optimum back protection on the motorbike.
- Deep black fabric that does not fade over time and is highly resistant to UV rays.
- The unique Dyneema fabric was developed by Bowtex and is 100% made in Germany.
- All components and production are 100% ‘Made in Europe’.
- Highest certification class CE AAA (120 km/h) in accordance with the EN 17092-2:2020 standard
- SAS-TEC Level 2 protectors for elbow and shoulder included.
- Optional back (Art.No. 20019270 Sas-Tec SC-1/B52-2 Level 2) and chest (Art.No. 20019269 Sas-Tec SC-1/CP7 Level 1)
- Outer material: 43% Dyneema, 57% polyamide
- Inner lining: 87% polyamide, 68% elastane
The Elite Shirt is designed to be worn next to the skin like a base layer. Choose your normal T-shirt size.
XS -> 35-36
S -> 37-38
M -> 39-40
L -> 41-42
XL -> 43-44
XXL -> 45-46
Produttore: Bowtex | Avenue d'Uccle 59 | 1190 Bruxelles | Belgien |
Informazioni sul produttore: Bowtex
Sviluppando uno speciale indumento protettivo che può essere indossato sotto qualsiasi abbigliamento, Bowtex permette ai motociclisti di guidare comodamente, in sicurezza e nel loro stile. Cavalcare nel proprio stile è il motto.
Bowtex è stata fondata da un piccolo gruppo di motociclisti entusiasti. Conoscendo i pericoli del ciclismo, hanno migliorato la sicurezza degli abiti, pur ottenendo punti per lo stile e il comfort.
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