Alu side case Trekker Outback Evo
Art. No. 10071393
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432,00 € 2
da 389,99 € 1
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Alu side case Trekker Outback Evo Monokey
Givi aluminium side case Trekker Outback Evo 37 Monokey
in black or silver
Made of aluminium, available in left-hand and right-hand versions and available individually or as a set in pairs. MONOKEY® CAM-SIDE is used as the fastening mechanism, the EVO versions are equipped with vibration-damping seats made of die-cast aluminium and new lower fastening points, which guarantee optimum hold even on unpaved roads and can also be repaired in the event of serious damage.
The Detachable Lid System has been renewed and reinforced with stainless steel. It allows the hinge to be locked and the lid to be removed completely.
The new hook system, Hold it Active System, makes use even more convenient: the case can be tilted without having to release it completely from the side support, making it easier to open the lid if a top case is fitted, and the system can be activated/deactivated as required, even when the case is fitted.
The Security Lock is fitted as standard. When purchasing a set consisting of two Outback EVO side cases, a third locking cylinder is also included, which can be fitted to any top case to enable the entire equipment to be opened and closed with just one key.
in black or silver
Made of aluminium, available in left-hand and right-hand versions and available individually or as a set in pairs. MONOKEY® CAM-SIDE is used as the fastening mechanism, the EVO versions are equipped with vibration-damping seats made of die-cast aluminium and new lower fastening points, which guarantee optimum hold even on unpaved roads and can also be repaired in the event of serious damage.
The Detachable Lid System has been renewed and reinforced with stainless steel. It allows the hinge to be locked and the lid to be removed completely.
The new hook system, Hold it Active System, makes use even more convenient: the case can be tilted without having to release it completely from the side support, making it easier to open the lid if a top case is fitted, and the system can be activated/deactivated as required, even when the case is fitted.
The Security Lock is fitted as standard. When purchasing a set consisting of two Outback EVO side cases, a third locking cylinder is also included, which can be fitted to any top case to enable the entire equipment to be opened and closed with just one key.
Produttore: GIVI Deutschland GmbH | Ernst-Sachs-Str. 26 | 90441 Nürnberg | Germany | +49 9119551022 | |
Informazioni sul produttore: Givi
GIVI è stata fondata nel 1978 a Brescia da Giuseppe Visenzi. Da allora, l'azienda è diventata uno dei maggiori fornitori di accessori per moto. Eleganza italiana, funzioni sofisticate, elevata qualità di lavorazione e rapporto qualità/prezzo più che soddisfacente: questa è la ricetta che consente ai prodotti GIVI di ottenere costantemente valutazioni entusiaste dai nostri clienti.
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