OS Base
Art. No. 10080034
Note importanti
165,00 € 1
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Welcome to the world of Kriega, where everything revolves around high-quality, robust, top-designed and practical luggage, bags and accessories for motorcyclists. For example: the Kriega *OS-Base*, the universal mounting system for OS bags. An innovative modular packing system that is suitable for any trail, enduro or dual-sport bike without the need to mount metal frames. What's more, it's very simple: just pull the *OS-Base* over the rear seat like a belt and you can attach the various bags from the *OS series*. Like saddlebags!
Carrying capacity from 12 to 54 litres
after mounting two Kriega *OS-Rackloops* (included), which are firmly screwed to the rear mudguard, the *OS-Base* is quick and easy to "put on and take off"
Reinforced seams at all tension points
Hooks made from aircraft aluminium
non-slip cam buckles
Weight: approx. 700 g
Dimensions (L x W): approx. 1020 x 190 mm
With the Kriega *OS-Base* you can also attach and safely transport Kriega *Overlander 15-Packs*, i.e. earlier pannier models, *US-DRYPACKS* as top bags and *Loop Mounts* for attaching a tent or sleeping mat.
If the *OS-Base* comes into contact with the exhaust silencer, you must attach a "heat shield". For example the Acerbis *Silicone Silencer Protector*
Welcome to the world of Kriega, where everything revolves around high-quality, robust, top-designed and practical luggage, bags and accessories for motorcyclists. For example: the Kriega *OS-Base*, the universal mounting system for OS bags. An innovative modular packing system that is suitable for any trail, enduro or dual-sport bike without the need to mount metal frames. What's more, it's very simple: just pull the *OS-Base* over the rear seat like a belt and you can attach the various bags from the *OS series*. Like saddlebags!
Carrying capacity from 12 to 54 litres
after mounting two Kriega *OS-Rackloops* (included), which are firmly screwed to the rear mudguard, the *OS-Base* is quick and easy to "put on and take off"
Reinforced seams at all tension points
Hooks made from aircraft aluminium
non-slip cam buckles
Weight: approx. 700 g
Dimensions (L x W): approx. 1020 x 190 mm
With the Kriega *OS-Base* you can also attach and safely transport Kriega *Overlander 15-Packs*, i.e. earlier pannier models, *US-DRYPACKS* as top bags and *Loop Mounts* for attaching a tent or sleeping mat.
If the *OS-Base* comes into contact with the exhaust silencer, you must attach a "heat shield". For example the Acerbis *Silicone Silencer Protector*
Produttore: Germot Zweirad-Zubehör Vertriebs GmbH | Daimlerstraße 4 | 63303 Dreieich | Germany | +49 6103459100 | |
Informazioni sul produttore: Kriega
Dom Longman and Michael Cottam are the fathers of the Kriega brand. The motorcycle-mad product designers were already working in the outdoor industry when they joined forces in 2000 to design the optimal luggage for their own tours. The two had very clear priorities: Function always comes first. Appearance and pricing are secondary. Such a philosophy naturally has consequences: Luggage systems from Kriega are certainly not cheap - but they are definitely good value. The quality of materials and workmanship then also puts the purchase costs into perspective. In addition, there are many possible combinations of the individual parts, which fit together neatly. By the way: US at Kriega stands for Universal System and OS for Overlander System. The latter is specially designed for particularly tough off-road use. Kriega's sophisticated concept didn't just convince us. The company, based a few miles south of Liverpool, now sells its bags, backpacks and fastening systems in over 40 countries.
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