Olio per motore 4 tempi 10W-40
Olio per motore 4 tempi 10W-40

Olio per motore 4 tempi 10W-40


Art. No. 10080284

Non ci sono ancora recensioni.

Note importanti

From about the 1990s onwards, the metallic and non-metallic components installed in most engines tolerate fully synthetic engine oils.

PDVC 20,79 € 2
17,99 € 1
Prezzo base: 1 l = 17,98 €1

Olio per motore 4 tempi 10W-40 SYNTH 10W-40 STR RACE 1L

Liqui Moly *Motorbike 4T 10W-40 Street Race* is a full synthetic high-performance engine oil for air- and water-cooled four-stroke engines that are subjected to normal to severe operating conditions. It is suitable for engines with and without wet clutches and also for racing use. The engine oil convinces with perfect lubrication, superb engine cleanliness, excellent friction values and minimal wear. You will notice gentle clutch engagement and disengagement as well as shifting when driving, which makes driving a lot more fun for you. The oil is tested for use with catalytic converters. Please observe the engine manufacturer’s operating instructions when you use the oil. Approvals API SN PLUS, JASO MA2.

  • Full synthetic high-performance engine oil
  • For air- and water-cooled four-stroke engines
  • Viscosity: 10W-40
  • Ensures low oil consumption
  • Tested for use with catalytic converters
  • Miscible with commercially available engine oils
  • Optimum ageing stability
  • Superb engine cleanliness
  • Increases lubrication
  • Excellent wear protection
  • Suitable for oil bath clutches
  • Low evaporation loss
  • Approvals: API SN PLUS, JASO MA2
  • Exceeds API SF to SM
  • Contents: 1 litres
Optimum effectiveness only in unmixed condition
Produttore: Liqui Moly GmbH | Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 | 89081 Ulm-Lehr | Germany | +49 73114200 | info@liqui-moly.de | www.liqui-moly.com
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