Barkbusters mounting kit for hand guards
Barkbusters mounting kit for hand guards
Barkbusters mounting kit for hand guards
Barkbusters mounting kit for hand guards

Barkbusters mounting kit for hand guards


Art. No. 10072192

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110,00 € 1

Barkbusters mounting kit for hand guards PER PARAMANI BWW

Barkbusters hand protectors mounting kit

Contains the aluminium frames and the mounting material for attaching the hand protectors to the handlebars of the motorbike. They can be combined with the matching plastic shells.

Scope of delivery
1 x Barkbusters hand protector mounting kit
Fitting instructions
Mounting material

The details
Material: Aluminium
Colour: silver
Total weight: approx. 1.0 kg
Produttore: SW-Motech GmbH & Co. KG | Ernteweg 7-10 | 35282 Rauschenberg | Germany | +49 64258168050 | |
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