I90/I91 Pred.
I90/I91 Pred.

I90/I91 Pred.


Art. No. 20014232

2 Valutazioni

49,99 € 1

I90/I91 Pred. Visiera

Visor (HJ-33) prepared for the following HJC helmet:

  • i90
  • i91

Antifog visors - the Antifog system offers effective protection against unpleasant visor fogging. An anti-fog insert lens is attached to the prepared Antifog outer visor by means of two small pins. The airtight pocket between lens and visor ensures clear vision and therefore significantly enhances road safety.

Safety first! Never ride with a scratched or cloudy visor. At night, in particular, scratches and scrapes reflect street lighting and/or oncoming headlights, which causes dazzle. Rain can make this effect more pronounced. Never ride in the dark with a dark visor. Replace a worn visor in good time. When you go on a touring holiday, always take a spare visor.

PLEASE NOTE: The Antifog insert lens is not included.

Produttore: HJC EUROPE S.A.R.L. | 1 Rue Benjamin Silliman Jr. | 67116 Reichstett | Frankreich | contact@hjc-europe.com
Valutazioni (2)
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