HR-1 exhaust system with EC type appr.
HR-1 exhaust system with EC type appr.

HR-1 exhaust system with EC type appr.

Art. No. 10058850

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PDVC 497,00 € 2
da 399,00 € 1

HR-1 exhaust system with EC type appr.

Mivv silencers have been developed for use on the road. Numerous models give the motorcycle a special touch. All Mivv systems can be quickly and easily replaced with the original exhaust. Mivv silencers increase performance, reduce weight and have the inimitable Mivv sound. The silencers are available in steel, carbon fiber or titanium, with the latter having a carbon end cap. A perfect mix to optimize the look of your machine and ride it with even more passion.

HR-1 stainless steel
HR-1 stainless steel black with black end cap
HR-1 stainless steel black with carbon end cap

VA - stainless steel
BL - black
Tutte le varianti
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