Custodia Dispositivi Mobili
Art. No. 10056900
Note importanti
29,99 € 2
14,99 € 1
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Custodia Dispositivi Mobili SMARTPHONE / NAVIGAZIONE
The ultimate media bag for your motorbike
The Moto-Detail media bag smartphone/navigation is the perfect companion for all bikers who want to transport their technology safely and stylishly. Whether smartphone, navigation system or other gadgets - this bag not only offers protection, but also practical features for travelling.
divided inner compartment: the bag has a divided inner compartment that offers space for your smartphone or navigation system. You can also store keys, money or small tools here.
fixed sun visor: The integrated sun visor ensures better readability of the display, even in bright sunlight during your motorbike tours.
water-repellent rubberised zip: Your technology stays dry, even in unexpected rain or splash water. The special zip reliably keeps moisture out.
flexible, clear viewing window: The generous viewing window (approx. 16 x 9 cm) allows you to operate your touchscreen without having to take the device out of the bag. This allows you to keep an overview while riding.
cable grommet for power supply and headphones: you can charge your smartphone or navigation system while driving or connect headphones without opening the bag.
vibration protection thanks to foam inserts: your technology is safely protected from shocks and impacts, even on uneven roads.
Accessories included:
The Moto-Detail media bag smartphone/navigation is the perfect companion for all bikers who want to transport their technology safely and stylishly. Whether smartphone, navigation system or other gadgets - this bag not only offers protection, but also practical features for travelling.
divided inner compartment: the bag has a divided inner compartment that offers space for your smartphone or navigation system. You can also store keys, money or small tools here.
fixed sun visor: The integrated sun visor ensures better readability of the display, even in bright sunlight during your motorbike tours.
water-repellent rubberised zip: Your technology stays dry, even in unexpected rain or splash water. The special zip reliably keeps moisture out.
flexible, clear viewing window: The generous viewing window (approx. 16 x 9 cm) allows you to operate your touchscreen without having to take the device out of the bag. This allows you to keep an overview while riding.
cable grommet for power supply and headphones: you can charge your smartphone or navigation system while driving or connect headphones without opening the bag.
vibration protection thanks to foam inserts: your technology is safely protected from shocks and impacts, even on uneven roads.
- External dimensions: approx. 20 x 15 x 6 cm (without sunshield)
- Inner dimensions: approx. 18 x 12 x 4 cm
Accessories included:
- Rain cover: Keeps your equipment protected even in bad weather.
- Screw set for fastening: The bag can be securely attached to a suitable bracket with the AMPS standard hole spacing of 38 x 30 mm.
Produttore: Detlev Louis Motorrad-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH | Rungedamm 35 | 21035 Hamburg | Germany | Tel. 00 49 (0) 40 – 734 193 60 | |
Informazioni sul produttore: moto-detail
Vai al negozi di marca moto-detail
Bagagli per moto innovativimoto-detail offre ai motociclisti risposte competenti a tutte le richieste per quanto riguarda bagagli e soluzioni per tutti i problemi di trasporto: dalla borsa da manubrio e dalla borsa posteriore, dallo zaino, fino alle robuste valige in plastica. Argutamente progettati e realizzati con cura fino nei minimi dettagli, tutti i prodotti sono essenziali e pratici da utilizzare. Naturalmente sono anche assolutamente belli da vedere: i bagagli moto-detail si abbinano perfettamente all'estetica di ogni moto. In questo modo offrono un doppio vantaggio: attirano gli sguardi e assicurano allo stesso tempo un posizionamento ottimo e un'aerodinamica eccellente. E i test delle riviste specializzate lo confermano ogni volta.
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