Set: ProCharger 1.000 Lithium incl.
Art. No. 10059607
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77,98 € 2
57,98 € 1
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Set: ProCharger 1.000 Lithium incl. LITIO INCL. SEM. CARICA
ProCharger 1.000 Lithium
Lithium starter batteries are becoming increasingly popular. Once you have installed such a power source in your motorbike, you will most likely stick with it. So it makes sense to look around for an adequate battery charger. We recommend the ProCharger 1.000 *Lithium*. Thanks to 1000 mA maximum charging current, the device charges your 12 V lithium power source in no time.
Scope of delivery:
ProCharger charging light
you want to know the charge status of your motorbike battery at all times? Then we can recommend the lithium charging light from ProCharger. It's practical and convenient. The 3-stage LED charge status display gives you the desired information instantly. And with the quick connector, your ProCharger charger is connected in no time at all.
Ideal for hard-to-reach starter batteries.
The ProCharger Lithium charging light is permanently attached to the starter battery with the ring eyelets. If you want to know the current state of charge of your starter battery, you only need to press the button on the ProCharger battery indicator briefly and the state of charge is displayed for 60 seconds via the three differently coloured indicator LEDs.
The green LED (greater than 13.1V) indicates a fully charged battery. When yellow (12.8V-13.1V), the battery is still ready for use, but a recharge is recommended. Red (less than 12.8V), the battery is almost empty and needs urgent charging.
Lithium starter batteries are becoming increasingly popular. Once you have installed such a power source in your motorbike, you will most likely stick with it. So it makes sense to look around for an adequate battery charger. We recommend the ProCharger 1.000 *Lithium*. Thanks to 1000 mA maximum charging current, the device charges your 12 V lithium power source in no time.
- automatic charging current adjustment (I/U charging characteristic)
- Trickle charge function
- Overcharge protection
- Battery test function
- reverse polarity, short circuit and spark protected
- only for 12 V lithium-ion starter batteries
- Charging terminal and ring eyelet cable included
- Power consumption: approx. 0.2W (standby) to max. 15W (max. charging current)
Scope of delivery:
- Charger
- Charging terminal cable
- Ring eyelet cable
- Operating instructions
ProCharger charging light
you want to know the charge status of your motorbike battery at all times? Then we can recommend the lithium charging light from ProCharger. It's practical and convenient. The 3-stage LED charge status display gives you the desired information instantly. And with the quick connector, your ProCharger charger is connected in no time at all.
Ideal for hard-to-reach starter batteries.
The ProCharger Lithium charging light is permanently attached to the starter battery with the ring eyelets. If you want to know the current state of charge of your starter battery, you only need to press the button on the ProCharger battery indicator briefly and the state of charge is displayed for 60 seconds via the three differently coloured indicator LEDs.
The green LED (greater than 13.1V) indicates a fully charged battery. When yellow (12.8V-13.1V), the battery is still ready for use, but a recharge is recommended. Red (less than 12.8V), the battery is almost empty and needs urgent charging.
- for permanent connection to the battery
- with ProCharger quick connector
- Total length: approx. 570 mm / M6 ring lugs
- with fuse holder and fuse 15A
- suitable for ProCharger 4.000, 10.000 and 1.000 Lithium
- Battery charge level indicator
- Display only when required, no unnecessary power consumption
- only suitable for lithium-ion starter batteries!
Produttore: Detlev Louis Motorrad-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH | Rungedamm 35 | 21035 Hamburg | Germany | Tel. 00 49 (0) 40 – 734 193 60 | |
Avviso di avvertenza: Rischio di strangolamento! Pericolo per i bambini e le persone con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali o mentali (ad es. persone parzialmente disabili, anziani con ridotte capacità fisiche e mentali) o con scarsa esperienza e conoscenza (ad es. bambini più grandi)!
Avviso di avvertenza: Pericolo di soffocamento e lesioni interne! Le piccole parti possono essere ingerite. Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini al di sotto dei 3 anni.
Informazioni sul produttore: ProCharger
Vai al negozi di marca ProCharger
Energia allo stato puro!ProCharger: secondo molti motociclisti il top dei caricabatteria. Dove altro puoi trovare questi livelli di tecnologia e qualità di caricamento a prezzi cosi' vantaggiosi? Dai dispositivi compatti per le prese fino ai raffinatissimi sistemi high-tech, ProCharger offre il caricabatteria giusto per le necessità di moto, scooter e auto. E la sicurezza che la batteria sia sempre in ottime condizioni. Numerosi risultati eccellenti nei test della stampa specializzata e le entusiastiche valutazioni dei clienti lo confermano: ProCharger garantisce la massima durata della tua batteria. Da non sottovalutare: il modello di punta ProCharger XL è compatibile con il sistema CAN Bus.
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