Dusc Top Case System
Art. No. 10072542
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Per modelli con portabagagli BMW originale in plastica.
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SW-Motech DUSC Top case system
The DUSC top case system consists of the robust DUSC L hard case and the matching ADVENTURE-RACK for the Honda XL750 Transalp. An adapter kit and the DUSC lock set are also included in delivery.
With this system you are ready for any tour: The DUSC L hard case convinces with easy handling and reliable luggage transport. It has a volume of 41 liters and offers space for a helmet. The sophisticated design and the interaction of the various materials make the DUSC extremely robust, with comparatively low weight.
Mounting the DUSC L on the luggage carrier is child's play: simply place the case on the mounted retaining points and then fix it via the locking system. In extensive tests, the DUSC has proven that it reliably holds its position on the carrier even under strong vibrations.
Included in delivery
The DUSC top case system consists of the robust DUSC L hard case and the matching ADVENTURE-RACK for the Honda XL750 Transalp. An adapter kit and the DUSC lock set are also included in delivery.
With this system you are ready for any tour: The DUSC L hard case convinces with easy handling and reliable luggage transport. It has a volume of 41 liters and offers space for a helmet. The sophisticated design and the interaction of the various materials make the DUSC extremely robust, with comparatively low weight.
Mounting the DUSC L on the luggage carrier is child's play: simply place the case on the mounted retaining points and then fix it via the locking system. In extensive tests, the DUSC has proven that it reliably holds its position on the carrier even under strong vibrations.
Included in delivery
- 1 x DUSC L Hard case
- 1 x ADVENTURE-RACK, black
- 1 x Adapter kit for ADVENTURE-RACK
- 1 x Hard case lock set
- 2 x lid limiter
- Mounting instructions
- Mounting material
- Material: ABS plastic
- Color: black
- Size: 48,6 x 41,3 x 29,5 cm / 19.1 x 16.3 x 11.6 in
- Total Weight: appr. 4,1 kg / appr. 8.9 lb
- Total Volume: 41,0 l
Produttore: SW-Motech GmbH & Co. KG | Ernteweg 7-10 | 35282 Rauschenberg | Germany | +49 64258168050 | info@sw-motech.com | www.sw-motech.com
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Informazioni sul produttore: SW-Motech
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Engineering for motorbikesSW-MOTECH è sinonimo di competenza nello sviluppo e nella produzione di pratiche soluzioni nei settori di sistemi per bagagli, navigazione, ergonomia e sicurezza e tutto è perfettamente concepito per soddisfare le esigenze dei motociclisti. Questi prodotti si distinguono per il look non convenzionale, le prestazioni elevate, le tecnologie brevettate e le ingegnose innovazioni. Qualità, durabilità e precisione hanno la priorità assoluta. SW-MOTECH è il compagno perfetto per qualsiasi avventura, che si tratti del tragitto verso il lavoro, di un giro nel week-end o di un viaggio attorno al mondo.
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